- The Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196 "Code concerning the protection of personal data" regulates the treatment of personal data obligating to respect the rights, the fundamental liberties, the dignity of the person concerned with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and protection right of personal data. The person concerned (the physical person, the corporation, the agency or the association to which the data are attributed) or the person near
which the personal data are collected must be previously informed of the treatment.
- The norm in consideration means like treatment any operation or complex of operations concerning the collection, the registration, the organization, the conservation, the consultation, the elaboration, the modification, the selection, the extraction, the comparison, the use, the interconnection, the block, the communication, the spread, the cancellation and the destruction of data, even if not registered in a data bank.
- In relation to the contractual relationship currently existing, we inform you that:
- data regarding you and/or your society that will be requested or that will be transmitted by
you or by a third party are necessary for:
- the payments
- the keeping of suppliers books
- the satisfaction of the obligation previewed from the civil and fiscal norms of law
- the compilation of the vital statistics
- data are managed:
- with the aid of electronic instruments
- without the aid of electronic instruments
- with every other mean put on hand by the technological evolution
- in a legitimate way
- by people opportunely in charge of it and authorized
- with the employment of measures of emergency
- to guarantee the confidentiality of the person the data refer
- to avoid the undue access to a third party or people not authorized
- in compliance with the indicated minimal measures of emergency
- the conferment of your data is optional
- the unsuccessful conferment of your data determines the impossibility to carry out the
operations directly related to the supplier
- Your data could be communicate to:
- law offices
- people in charge of the review of the budget
- lending institutions
- public authorities or Administrations to perform laws
- Your data will not be diffuse
- Your data are maintained near the registered office of our company for the time provided by
civil and fiscal rules.
Requests should be sent to the controller:
Via per Salvatronda, 46
31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Tel./Fax: +39 0423 721241
Cell.:+39 348 4144284